Saturday, August 31, 2024

 Gold Star Family


Blue Star Memorial

Markers Dedication

Fort Hawkins

Visitor Center

736 Emery Highway

Macon, Georgia

Dedication Ceremony

August 29, 2024

Music Provided By

First Presbyterian Day School

Band Ensemble

Jonathan Baker - Director

The Welcome by

Jan Thiese

Blue Star and Gold Star

Memorial Marker Chairman

The Garden Club of Georgia, Inc.

The Garden Club of Georgia, Inc.

President - Lisa Hall

The President

Federated Garden Clubs 

of Macon, Inc.

Gloria Marshall

Invocation by
Stanley B. Stewart
Macon-Bibb Commissioner
Elect - East Macon

The Presentation of 
The Colors by
Macon-Bibb Fire Department
Honor Guard

The Pledge of Allegiance was Led by
Susi Keller
Gold and Blue Star Marker
The Garden Club of Georgia, Inc.

The National Anthem

The Introduction of Special Guest

Macon-Bibb Mayor
Lester Miller

Debra Ray
Sister of USMC Sgt.
Rodney Maxwell Davis
Medal of Honor Recipient
Macon, Georgia

The History and Dedication of
the Markers

Unveiling of the
The Gold Star by
Brothers of Sgt. Rodney Maxwell Davis
Gordon Davis and Robert Davis

The Blue Star
by the Fort Hawkins Commission
John Goolsby and James Gazaway
U. S. Army Veterans

Presentation of
Certificates to the
Sponsors of the Markers

Blue Star Sponsors
Gold Star Sponsors

The Acceptance of the Markers
by Michael Lynch
U. S. Army Veteran
Fort Hawkins Commission

The Tribute of Flowers
constructed by Members of
Pine Ridge Garden Club of
Macon, Georgia

The Appropriate Verse from 
The Navy Hymn was
performed by
Alan F. E. Thiese
YNC U. S. Navy

"Lord, guard and guide the men who fly
And those who on the ocean ply
By with our troops upon the land,
And all who for their country stand
Be with these guardians day and night,
And may their trust by in thy might.

The Closing Remarks and Dismissal by
Jan Thiese

The Event Concluded with a Reception 
Provided by The Federated Garden
Clubs of Macon, Inc.

The History of the Markers!
From 1944 to the Present Day

The following pictures are also included:

A Gold Star Family

The National Emblem of the
United States of America
The Flag