Camellia Japonica This flower is the Winter and Spring Camellia. It thrives in a shaded area with well drained soil |
Snowdrop - Galanthus nwalis. These lovely flowers thrive with no attention. Ours love their placement at the base of several trees in th Woods behind our home. |
Daffodil - Narcissus. These lovely flowers are also about five weeks behind a normal bloom season. They are beautiful this year and are blooming in abundance. |
Another shrub which is in flower at this time is the Daphne Odera. It has a sweet fragrance and I enjoy it very much. If you have never experienced the fragrance of the Daphne Odera think of a Tea Olive and multiply that fragrance at least five times. A lovely low care shrub that blooms in the Winter and stays green all year. The Daphne Odear which adorn our Garden enjoy their placement under the Camellias and thrive with no special care. We have enjoyed these for at least eighteen years.