Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Spring Time Beauty in Middle Georgia
With the abundance of recent rain this past weekend the beauty of Middle Georgia is now beginning to achieve the full display.

Of course no Spring Time Garden would be complete without an abundance of Azeleas. I have at least one hundred plants which were here when we purchased our home in 1992 or were added in the 1992 - 1993 time frame.

In addition to Macon's famed Blooming Cherry Trees, almost every garden includes at least one Bradford Pear tree which is also grown for the lovely blooms.

We also obtained an abundance of Dogwood Trees when we purchased our home. While these trees do not require any maintenance, I have been told that to insure their health that I should sprinkle a cup of 10-10-10 fertilizer at the drip line of each tree. I usually do this when the bloom cycle is over because I do not want to encourage early growth until all danger of frost is past.

Here is a close up of a few Dogwood blooms with a pine tree serving as the backdrop. I appreciate these blooms and the Dogwood trees that have flourished naturally on our property.
Please leave your comments here regarding your favorite Spring Time Blooms. Thank You!!

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